Friday, September 14, 2012

I have wanted to post several things, but I always stop myself for one reason or the other.

I don't have any pictures, I'm not exactly sure what I want to say, I'm afraid it will take too long and I don't have much time, it won't be inspiring...on and on it goes.

But, in an effort to post more regular entries, I am going to try not to let those aforementioned excuses win over.

I usually feel like I need to be positive and inspiring (I'm not sure anyone takes me that serious! lol), but today I am just going to write/share/talk.

My husband was at a UPS store by a local high school today. It was about 4pm and school was out. He noticed LOTS of kids gathered outside in one corner of the strip mall. He guesses there were about 100.

Long story short, he realizes two kids are fighting and all the others are videoing it on their phones or yelling for one guy to blankety blank the other guy.

He walked over and broke up the fight and said most of the kids scattered like cock roaches when they saw an adult approaching.

My husband called and told me all this and he was pretty shaken up. It really upset him.

Here's what bothers me and was the catalyst for writing this entry. 

I thought we were a more tolerant society. I thought we were raising and educating a new generation of kids who cared about other people, who stood up for what was right and were against bullying and making fun of someone because they were different, handicapped, gay or a different color than them. 

This is not an "all teenagers are bad" thing. I do not believe that at all. It's just that I was sad when he told me. Sad like I wanted to cry. Sad like I immediately thought I should pray for God to soften their hearts or at the very least to make them feel really bad for what they participated in this afternoon!

I just thought we were past all this. I have no idea what those boys were fighting about. I am not really as upset with the fight as I am in the "pack mentality" as my husband called it, of the crowd. 

I have to turn away when they show videos on the news of a bus driver getting beat up or someone getting hit unjustly by another person or a cop. I can't watch. I DON"T WANT TO watch. And I surely don't want to record it to watch later.

Are we so desensitized that video taping a fight and putting it on Facebook or You tube is no big deal anymore?

One of my friends recently accused me (not in a malicious way) of having a Pollyanna view on something. I've thought about that alot. Maybe
she was right. But, I'm kinda ok with that. Better than being cynical about everything.

Anyway, that's what is in my heart today. 

I still think people are good. I also still think that Kindness matters more than ever these days.


1 comment:

  1. DD!
    I'm so glad you posted. I've missed you. Always write--even when you feel like you have nothing to say. This story was upsetting to me too. I'm so glad Chip was there to break it up! (God thing.) I don't understand that pack mentality either, and videotaping it? Ugh!! I think you're right in finding prayer as the solution. I will pray too. And one of the things I love most about you is your Pollyana view. Never change!!
    Love you,
