Monday, October 29, 2012


Has it really been over a month since I posted? Wow. I guess I have not fully embraced the blog thing.

We are knee deep in football season. Just had a big win in Chattanooga this weekend. Check out this article and #77 giving his quarterback a hug.

It was a really difficult week last week. One of the freshman girls who is one of the 12 or so Football Equipment Managers on the Georgia Southern University football team, committed suicide last week. 

As a parent and a mother, I have been "grieving" for her parents all week. I can not even imagine the pain they are in. Truly, without Jesus, how would you survive?

The entire team and coaching staff drove to Atlanta on their way up to Tennessee and went to her funeral on Friday. Each one spoke to the parents. I hope her parents knew how much she was appreciated and valued and how much she mattered to this team!

On Saturday night, the team won in Triple Overtime. Emotionally and mentally exhausting. But, what an exceptional victory. They wore the manager's initials on their helmets.  EV

We are looking forward to visiting our oldest son in Charleston this week and checking out his first home purchase! Lots of pictures and a blog about that when we return.

In the meantime, hug your family, tell them how much you love them. Heck, hug a stranger! Kindness matters! 
