Friday, September 28, 2012


I am so tempted to write about the weather, in my life, in my kid's lives,  in my BODY! But, it's so cliche'.

I am not sure where I stand exactly, with my opinion on change. I love it, I hate it. I crave it. I pray for it. I run from it. I welcome it. 

But, the commonality is that it is necessary in order to grow and move forward. And that's what it's all about, right? 

I change the furniture in my house around constantly! I need a new look,  a more efficient set up, some inspiration. I learned this from the pro and my BFF Miz Juney.

She is crazy talented at so many things. And, like any artist, she needs to change it up, move it around, see it in a different light. And sometimes something as simple as a supercute $11.99 pillow from TJMaxx can send her into a $5,000 renovation. 

But, the outcome is always a fresher look. And in fresh-aning up her house, it freshens up her soul. It's all connected. I love that about her. And I find myself doing the same thing.

Those kind of  changes I love. They fall into the "love, crave, welcome it" category.

What started this whole post was a piece of mail we received in the mail yesterday. It was from my son's college and it read....

Georgia Southern University December Commencement Ceremony Attn: 2012 December Graduates

My baby is graduating from college in a couple of months. 

When people ask...."Oh, how old are you kids?" 

My answer, come Jan 2013, will be, 

"Oh, both my son's have already graduated from college."

I am CRAZY proud, but I have to let it sink in. It's a big change. For him and for me. Sigh~

This falls into all the categories....Love it, hate it, crave it, pray for it, run from it and welcome it.

Sometimes I am so quick to dismiss a feeling and push it down, that I don't allow myself time to actually feel it. Eventually it comes back up...picture a backed up sink. (Gross, right?)

I am going to allow myself to think on all the changes going on. My youngest son graduating college, my older son contemplating purchasing his first home in Charleston (how awesome is that?), my menopausal body changes, the season changes,  heart changes and many others.

Because, really, it's all good! Change is a process, a transition an exchange, a metamorphosis.  I like how that all sounds. 

The Greek word for soul is psyche and is often symbolized as a butterfly. Both the soul and the butterfly are metamorphosed.  And the fullness of one's soul evolves slowly.

I'm about to get all T.S. Eliot on ya'll....

I said to my soul, be still, and wait...
So the darkness shall be the light,
and the stillness the dancing.

Maybe I'll get a butterfly tattoo...jk.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4 Chew Net

Things I am thankful for today:

Walking to breakfast

Friends who ask, " When you lay your head down at's your heart?" 

A clean house


The way Fall smells


Halloween Oreos



Friday, September 21, 2012



The older I get, it seems like the more maintenance I require. Maybe not really require, as in have to have, but you get what I'm saying. I realize it is no big revelation, but it is for me.

It dawned on me the other day when I went to my very first ever Dermatologist visit for a full body check, that I need a lot of maintenance.  I don't think I'm high maintenance, like a Diva or anything, but I do require upkeep and maintenance and an overhaul every now and then, maybe like a car or a house or a large barn.

First of all, I had no idea I would have to get naked and that they would take pictures of me at the Dermatologist. Seriously???  I told the doctor..."Don't let me catch these photos on anyone's Facebook page." I totally thought I was being funny and doing my best to make light of my rather vulnerable situation. She found no humor in it. I still think it's funny.

So, here's my list. Some things are not really necessary, and they might even fall in the Diva category now that I think of it.

Going to be totally honest and check my pride at the door for this one. So, readers beware.  I'll start in the morning and work my way through the day.

1. Sensodyne toothpaste- got some receding gums that leads to tooth sensitivity
2. Have to sometimes take 2 baths a day. Thank you bladder leakage.
3. I noticed bunions on my toes the other day. Ugly little round nodules. Guess a foot doctor is in my future. Ira the Podiatrist. That's my imaginary name for him.
4. Using a really high percentage Zinc Oxide sunscreen because I have "age spots" AKA Big Ass Freckles all over my face.
5. Retinoids- to combat wrinkles and promote collagen
6. Hormone patch- does that need an explanation?
7. Special and expensive shampoo that won't fade my hair color. The hair color I get to hide all my gray.
8. Neck cream-to help with saggy neck skin. Think chicken or turkey. Lovely.
9.  Eyelash and eyebrow "Miracle Grow"- because for some reason they don't grow anymore.
10. Crest Whitening strips
11. Gym membership and trainer- It used to be so easy. I could eat what I wanted and work out and see results pretty quickly. Not anymore. I have to pay someone to keep me motivated. (This is probably Diva worthy)
12. Regular visits to Georgia Hormones for blood work to try to find a healthy Estrogen dose and to keep me sane!

Not to mention-manicures, pedicures and waxing.

It's all really pretty funny when I read the list. I am NO DIFFERENT than anyone else. It's just that, honestly, I kind of thought I was! I remember thinking things when I was younger about "older" women and saying to myself..."I will not be like that or look like that or have that issue when I get older."

Humility. It's all about humility. I am getting a large piece of humble pie. And that is fine. I am sure I needed it. I just hope it's fat free.

I am actually enjoying aging and getting older. I am, however, working on the gracefully part of "Aging Gracefully."

But, I remain....

Friday, September 14, 2012

I have wanted to post several things, but I always stop myself for one reason or the other.

I don't have any pictures, I'm not exactly sure what I want to say, I'm afraid it will take too long and I don't have much time, it won't be inspiring...on and on it goes.

But, in an effort to post more regular entries, I am going to try not to let those aforementioned excuses win over.

I usually feel like I need to be positive and inspiring (I'm not sure anyone takes me that serious! lol), but today I am just going to write/share/talk.

My husband was at a UPS store by a local high school today. It was about 4pm and school was out. He noticed LOTS of kids gathered outside in one corner of the strip mall. He guesses there were about 100.

Long story short, he realizes two kids are fighting and all the others are videoing it on their phones or yelling for one guy to blankety blank the other guy.

He walked over and broke up the fight and said most of the kids scattered like cock roaches when they saw an adult approaching.

My husband called and told me all this and he was pretty shaken up. It really upset him.

Here's what bothers me and was the catalyst for writing this entry. 

I thought we were a more tolerant society. I thought we were raising and educating a new generation of kids who cared about other people, who stood up for what was right and were against bullying and making fun of someone because they were different, handicapped, gay or a different color than them. 

This is not an "all teenagers are bad" thing. I do not believe that at all. It's just that I was sad when he told me. Sad like I wanted to cry. Sad like I immediately thought I should pray for God to soften their hearts or at the very least to make them feel really bad for what they participated in this afternoon!

I just thought we were past all this. I have no idea what those boys were fighting about. I am not really as upset with the fight as I am in the "pack mentality" as my husband called it, of the crowd. 

I have to turn away when they show videos on the news of a bus driver getting beat up or someone getting hit unjustly by another person or a cop. I can't watch. I DON"T WANT TO watch. And I surely don't want to record it to watch later.

Are we so desensitized that video taping a fight and putting it on Facebook or You tube is no big deal anymore?

One of my friends recently accused me (not in a malicious way) of having a Pollyanna view on something. I've thought about that alot. Maybe
she was right. But, I'm kinda ok with that. Better than being cynical about everything.

Anyway, that's what is in my heart today. 

I still think people are good. I also still think that Kindness matters more than ever these days.
