Friday, September 28, 2012


I am so tempted to write about the weather, in my life, in my kid's lives,  in my BODY! But, it's so cliche'.

I am not sure where I stand exactly, with my opinion on change. I love it, I hate it. I crave it. I pray for it. I run from it. I welcome it. 

But, the commonality is that it is necessary in order to grow and move forward. And that's what it's all about, right? 

I change the furniture in my house around constantly! I need a new look,  a more efficient set up, some inspiration. I learned this from the pro and my BFF Miz Juney.

She is crazy talented at so many things. And, like any artist, she needs to change it up, move it around, see it in a different light. And sometimes something as simple as a supercute $11.99 pillow from TJMaxx can send her into a $5,000 renovation. 

But, the outcome is always a fresher look. And in fresh-aning up her house, it freshens up her soul. It's all connected. I love that about her. And I find myself doing the same thing.

Those kind of  changes I love. They fall into the "love, crave, welcome it" category.

What started this whole post was a piece of mail we received in the mail yesterday. It was from my son's college and it read....

Georgia Southern University December Commencement Ceremony Attn: 2012 December Graduates

My baby is graduating from college in a couple of months. 

When people ask...."Oh, how old are you kids?" 

My answer, come Jan 2013, will be, 

"Oh, both my son's have already graduated from college."

I am CRAZY proud, but I have to let it sink in. It's a big change. For him and for me. Sigh~

This falls into all the categories....Love it, hate it, crave it, pray for it, run from it and welcome it.

Sometimes I am so quick to dismiss a feeling and push it down, that I don't allow myself time to actually feel it. Eventually it comes back up...picture a backed up sink. (Gross, right?)

I am going to allow myself to think on all the changes going on. My youngest son graduating college, my older son contemplating purchasing his first home in Charleston (how awesome is that?), my menopausal body changes, the season changes,  heart changes and many others.

Because, really, it's all good! Change is a process, a transition an exchange, a metamorphosis.  I like how that all sounds. 

The Greek word for soul is psyche and is often symbolized as a butterfly. Both the soul and the butterfly are metamorphosed.  And the fullness of one's soul evolves slowly.

I'm about to get all T.S. Eliot on ya'll....

I said to my soul, be still, and wait...
So the darkness shall be the light,
and the stillness the dancing.

Maybe I'll get a butterfly tattoo...jk.



  1. Hey girrrrrrrrrrl. Thanks for the shout out. I was moving a bench from the entry way to the dining room because I got a new pillow yesterday and then came in to the study/computer and thought about you. So I checked in on you here and had some catching up to do! It was one of those "creepy, separated at birth, twin moments" when I got on here and you were writing about me rearranging furniture. Yep. You know me well.

    You will always be very young to me, since I am way older than you. But I hear you about the maintenance. Life is maintenance for sure.

    Love you forever, J

  2. DD,
    I loved this post. I can SO relate to what you said about being quick to dismiss a feeling and push it down. But you're right--eventually it comes back up like a backed up sink! That's why we have to face those feelings and embrace those changes that come with our different seasons of life. You will always be young to me--all I have to do is look at your face!
    Love you girl!
